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record a Planter's experience with a camera

What are the best angles for each Element?

Which groups of angles go well together?

Sequence of Perspectives








See GoPro ​

Drone ​

  • TopView

Audio ​

Clapboard ​

Use a small whiteboard like a clapboard to reference notes to specific trees

  • Datetime
  • Location
  • Planter
  • BagUp_ID

Example you find something that you want to comment on, so you shoe the camera a number or some kind of identifier then you also reference it in your audio and later text

Hold the board close to the camera so that it can be easily found during the editing process.

Editing ​

Edit into multiple formats: Shorts=Reel, Gif, Carousel, Over 20 min

Geolocation ​

Strava sync with go pro

Periodically show strava to the camera to sync locations

Also use to sync with notes

Create a bag for notepad and phone for your right front bag. Internal divider

pencil on a string

OpenCV ​

Use OpenCV in Python to tag Video timestamps

To Put boxes around MotoObject or EcoObjects

Privacy ​

Make an incredibles mask for planters

Storyboards ​

  • Zoom into putplant from ultimate view to submoto

GoPro ​


Use GoProHero 9+

  • 1stPersonView

Ideally, you would be filmed by more than one camera at once.

MountPosition ​

GoProMount ​

Mount and also attach a wire and HiVis to the camera in case the mount malfunctions

HeadMount ​
  • HeadMoto
ForearmMount ​
  • Hole
  • SpadeMoto
  • HandMoto
TripodMount ​
  • Via
  • 3rdPersonView
TrunkMount ​
  • 3rd PersonView