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Affordance ​

An affordance is a relationship between the properties of an object and the capabilities of the agent that determine just how the object could possibly be used

For aspect of an object's appearance that suggests what you can to do it, such as it's liftability, squeezeability, plantability

Udo Neumann

Able to... ​

  • Putability
  • Plantability
  • Screefability
  • Stepability
  • Grippability

NonDualAffordance ​

mean by it something that refers to both the environment and the animal in a way that no existing term does. It implies the complementarity of the animal and the environment.

A handle isn't a handle without a user

Object Fixity (Object Fixedness) ​

the tendency to perceive an object only in terms of its most common use. For example, people generally perceive cardboard boxes as containers, thus hindering them from potentially flipping the boxes over for use as platforms upon which to place objects (e.g., books).

Cues ​

Object affordances provide cues

Element Selection from many Alternatives ​

Affordances are used to select elements.

The best solution for the current situation

What is possible?

What is attainable?

affords you... ​

  • time
  • space
  • option
  • opportunity
  • advantage
  • ability to perform
  • peace of mind

What fits the current BetaInstance?

  • to afford you more time to complete

Synonyms of to afford ​

to enable ​

to accomplish ​

to advance ​

  • to afford you an advantage

to further ​

  • a larger battery to afford you a greater range

to carry out ​

  • I can't afford to buy it
  • I can't afford the time
  • to afford you the ability to do something

to give ​

  • to give you time to think
  • givens of a problem
  • given values
  • to give you some options
  • to give an opportunity for
  • given the current situation, what is your best move
  • I can't afford to give anymore

to supply ​

  • Supply the energy
  • Supply the momentum
  • to supply you with the necessary (resources, energy, momentum,height,time)

to provide ​

  • to provide support for such a long reach
  • that stump provides a good microsite for a tree
  • affords you the means to live this type of lifestyle

Betaglot Examples ​

Route.Complexity(PerceptibleAffordance < HiddenAffordance < FalseAffordance)

Eco Affordance ​

Eco Affords Moto ​

  • That branch looks thin enough that I can grip it

Eco affords Via ​

  • It doesn't look like I could go around that cliff
  • My foot could fit between those logs
  • The soil can hold a tree
  • It looks like I can step on that log

A relationship between the attributes of an Econ and the capabilities of the Betan that determine how the Econ could possibly be used